Send Us Your Film!



Order film processing and scanning online

Go here to order your film processing and scanning.

Change the quantity for the number of rolls or go back and add another roll with different options separately.

Once your have selected your order, go to the cart (top right on a desktop, bottom right on a mobile device) to view your order.
You can then pay by either card or paypal. You also have the option of creating an account if you wish to save your shipping details.

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Customise your scan preferences

Once you click on 'Add to Cart'  you have the option to customise your scan preferences as you would with our order form, including an expandable box to add as much detail as you wish.
You can also have different scan preferences for individual rolls!
When checking out, choose the shipping option that's best for you.

'Store negatives' is a free option for when immediate return shipping of the negatives isn't required. 
We will then store your negatives under your name and whenever you'd like all your negatives shipped back,
just email us and we'll ship them all back to you as soon as possible.



Send your #Order Number to us with your film!

Once your order is paid for you will receive an order number. Such 'Order Number #0001'

Write down or print your order number and include it with your film so we know its your order!

Send your film to:

Exposure Film Lab
Unit 13, Beech Business Park
Tillington Road

As soon as we receive it we will email to notify you.

Send us your C41 and B&W film


Enjoy your images

As soon as we receive your film, we will process your order and send you the scans to your email address through a download link (wetransfer).

Exposure Film Lab Negatives

And VoilΓ . Easy!