TIFF VS JPEG. What's the difference?
TIFF is a completely lossless format, meaning that receiving TIFF scans from us will ensure you'll get every bit of detail that came out of our scanner and the absolute best quality we can provide. You then have the freedom to edit and tweak the scans to your liking and resave and resize your files as many times as you like without any degradation. The only downside is the TIFF size will be around 50mb per file.
JPEG is a lossy, compressed format. When receiving JPEGs from us, the files are only compressed once which results in high quality images that once opened are almost identical to a TIFF file to the eye. However data has still been lost, so further editing is a lot less effective and each time the file is resaved it results in further degradation of the quality. The upside is the JPEG size will only be around 2mb per file.
Enhanced Scan or Standard Scan. Which should I choose?
This depends on what you intend to do with the images and the importance of them.
We recommend Enhanced Scans if you plan on further editing the files, printing larger than 9"x12" or when the highest quality scan is required.
We recommend Standard Scans if you plan on doing little to no adjustments and don't plan on printing larger than 9"x12", perfect for just uploading straight to the internet.
What sizes are your scans?
Approximate sizes in pixels:
Enhanced Scan (Large TIFFs):
35mm - 5444 x 3649
Medium Format:
6x645 - 4889 x 3649
6x6 - 3635 x 3635
6x7 - 4559 x 3649
6x9 - 5444 x 3646
Standard Scan (Medium JPEGs):
35mm - 4094 x 2748
Medium Format:
6x645 - 3673 x 2740
6x6 - 2728 x 2728
6x7 - 3413 x 2728
6x9 - 4094 x 2748
What scanner do you use?
The Fuji Frontier SP-3000.
We tested a lot of scanners and found the Fuji not only gave sharp high resolution scans but it also retains highlights amazingly and renders colours in a beautifully natural way. Our scanner has 'Digital ICE', which uses infrared technology to ensure your scans are always dust free.
Can you give a specific look to my scans?
We can definitely try and help, put as much detail in the comments box on the order form as you feel you need.
Can you provide completely 'flat' scans?
Yes and no. If you instruct us to in the comments box we can run your film through our scanner without any adjustments but we don't recommend this as it will result in colour casts and improperly exposed scans.
We recommend asking for 'neutral' scans. We will then scan your film with a neutral colour balance in mind, with priority given to preserving details. This will provide you with the perfect base scan to work from.
What chemicals do you use for processing?
Kodak Flexicolor for colour and Xtol for black and white.
We use control strips to ensure our processing is always well within professional specs.
Can you process Slide/Transparency film?
Not just yet (watch this space). We can scan already processed slide film, the same prices for colour negatives apply.
Can you push film?
Yes, we can push colour and B&W by as many stops as you'd like (although we don't recommend going over 3!).
We can also pull B&W. Contact us if you are unsure about whether to do this or need any advice.
What is 'pushing'?
To push film is to simply leave the film in developer for longer than the standard time. This over develops the film which can help compensate for underexposure. For example, if you found your 400 ISO film was too slow for your light conditions, you could shoot as if it was 800 ISO. This would in effect under expose the film by 1 stop. We could then compensate for this by leaving it in the developer for slightly longer, the equivalent of 1 stop. Each stop a film is pushed results in an increase of grain and contrast and a slight change of colour.
Pushing 1 stop can be very effective without a hugely noticeable change to the films characteristics, whilst pushing 3 stops will be quite noticeable.
Can you cross process film?
Yes, we can process colour slide film in C41 chemicals for no extra charge. Although if you ask for scans, be prepared for crazy looking results! Depending on the film stock, results range from super contrasty and saturated to colour casts.
Where do I send my film?
Please send film to:
Exposure Film Lab, Artsite3
Unit 3 Studios
Rockfield Road
What are your turnaround times?
For up to 10 rolls, we aim to dispatch scans within 5 business days from receiving payment. 10+ rolls is within 10 business days .
Process only is within 3 days.
Often times will be shorter but if we're unusually busy and it looks like we'll be longer, we'll let you know.
What are the return postage options?
Standard postage is Royal Mail 1st class (next day, including Saturdays) . We can also upgrade your order to 'Signed For' if you need extra reassurance, just write it on your order form when you send it us.
Standard postage prices, per order (no matter how many rolls):
UK - £1.50
EU - £3.70
International - £5.50
'Signed For' prices, per order:
UK - £2.50
EU - £ 8.60
International - £10.
Can you upload scans for me?
Yes, we can now do this for all scans.